Blue Goldstone is used to make a wish.Use blue ghgoldstone to make a wish.Keep a piece with your resume or at your work desk to increase job opportunities or better advancements in your career.
Green aventurine comforts,Harmonizes,protects the heart an can help attract love leter in life.
Green aventurine has particularly soothing energy behind it and is recommeended for working through unresolved emotional issues.You can also use Green aventurine is commonly known as a "stone of personal growth ",and offers opportunities for learning about oneslf and one's place in teh universe.
Rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love.
Knowm as a romance stone.Rose quartz can be used to attract love.Put a piece of rose quartz by your bedside table,or in the relationship corner of a room or home to attract new love or to add trust and re-commitment to existing relationship.
Use Red Goldstone when you feel lost ,either literally or emotionally.The sparkles of red goldstone are symbolic of the light that can always be found in the darkness.
Golden Tiger Eye brings brings brightness and optimism to a situation and shines insight onto problems.
You can carry it in your poket when you need a boost of creative energy,or when dealing with issues involving power,will,contrrol,and connection.It can provide balance to those expperiencing extremes ,and as such ,can be helpful to those with manic deoression,or bipolar disorder.
Unakite balances the emotional and spiritual bodies and provides a gentle release energetic blockages.it helps us to move on from outmoded beliefsfrom the past and it can also be used for help wityh past-life regression therapy and facilitates the understanding of previous events and their roles in the current incarnation.