Pure hand knitting pendent.
❤lt restores trust and harmony in relationships,encouraging unconditional love.Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love,friendship deep inner healing and feelings of peace.
❤A stone of protection, Tigers Eye may also bring good luck to the wearer it has the power to focus the mind
promoting mental clarity,assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions. Particularly useful for healing psychosomatic.
❤Opalite is mostly good for the Crown and Third Eye
Chakras. The Opalite stone removes energy blockages therefore helping you heal and balance your chakras.But most of all, it is known to activate the Crown Chakra. This in turn, helps you understand your inner self better.
❤Clear quartz has the capacityto absorbstore,release and regulate energy.It resonates with all of the chakras as well as each Zodiac sign Quartz enhances spiritual growth spiritualityawareness,and wisdom.
Amethyst can help people emotionally,particularly those who are grieving. This crystal can help a person deal with painful experiences and personal losses. It strengthens a person by bringing emotional stability and inner strength. Using amethyst can connect one's emotional, physical, and mental aspects of a person.
This stone is considered the most powerful in terms of emotional balance since it centers one's emotions, giving people the ability to deal with both emotional highs and lows.lt is also good for people who experience anxiety, fear, grief,losssadness,and rage.
❤Green aventurine is believed to be a positive stone of prosperity diffusing negative emotions, reinforcing leadership
promoting compassion and encouraging perseverance.
Promotes healing of the physical body
Increases wealthand prosperity.Protectsgardens and homes from electromagnetic pollution.Transmutes negative energy into positive energy.
❤Blue Sandstone has the meaning and properties of
attracting good luck energy.lt is a gemstone filled with
bright energy of light.Itchanges the"negative flow" to the"positiveflow".lt isa gemstone to neatly reset negative unnecessary thoughts such as "anxiety""fear""sadness" and"anger"